The fourth Yangtze River Delta International Cultural Industry Expo opened in Shanghai

时间:2023-11-16Source: Zhongan Online

  The 4th Yangtze River Delta International Cultural Industry Expo (hereinafter referred to as the "Yangtze River Delta Cultural Fair") opened at the National Convention and Exhibition Center (Shanghai) on November 16。The theme of this year's Yangtze River Delta Cultural Expo is "Taking on a New Mission: The Power of the Yangtze River Delta Cultural Industry",Focus on new achievements of "digital culture",Show the new content of "cultural life",Highlight the new upgrading of "cultural consumption",Showcasing the new achievements in the development of cultural industries in the Yangtze River Delta,This paper deeply explains the mission and task of the Yangtze River Delta cultural industry in the process of Chinese modernization。The exhibition area exceeded 100,000 square meters for the first time, a total of 32 countries and regions of cultural enterprises, 12 provinces and cities in 65 prefecture-level cities to participate in the exhibition, the number of exhibitors exceeded 1,500 units, has become one of the largest and most rich content of the comprehensive cultural industry expo。

  At the opening ceremony on November 16,The propaganda department of the Party committees of Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui summed up the achievements of the integrated development of the cultural industry in the Yangtze River Delta,Jointly released the 2023 Blue Book on the Development of the Yangtze River Delta Cultural Industry, the First Batch of Typical Cases of the Yangtze River Delta Human Economy, and the Major Projects of the Yangtze River Delta Culture and Related Industries in 2023.,Jointly signed the Memorandum of Cooperation on Promoting the Prosperity and Development of the Cultural Industry in the Yangtze River Delta,And will stand at a new historical starting point,Jointly write a new chapter in the development of the cultural industry。


  It is reported that the Yangtze River Delta Cultural Expo was jointly sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the Party committees of Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui provinces in 2018. After three sessions of holding and five years of development, it has become an important platform to promote the high-quality integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta cultural industry, and has obtained the certification of the highest international exhibition qualification UFI。The exhibition has five highlights。

  Planning layout: super scale, high-end platform

  为深入学习贯彻习近平文化思想,着力推动文化事业和文化产业繁荣发展的重要举措,第四届长三角文博会发挥高水平“双循环、双节点”开放枢纽门户作用,全面检视长三角文化产业高质量一体化发展的重大成果。As one of the regions with the most prosperous economic development, the highest degree of international openness and the highest degree of regional integration since China's reform and opening up, the Yangtze River Delta region attaches great importance to the prosperity and development of the cultural industry。2022年,The revenue scale of cultural enterprises in the Yangtze River Delta accounts for about 1/4 of the country;In the 15th "Top 30 National Cultural Enterprises" list in 2023,Twelve companies from the Yangtze River Delta were selected,Accounting for 40% of the total number of selected enterprises nationwide;In a new batch of countries foreign cultural trade base list,The number of bases in the Yangtze River Delta accounts for 1/4 of the country.Among the 367 key national cultural export enterprises in 2023-2024,The Yangtze River Delta has 110 finalists,Accounting for about 30% of the total number of national shortlisted enterprises,The cultural industry of the Yangtze River Delta is taking on a new mission on the new journey of building Chinese-style modernization,Play an effective demonstration and leading role。

  According to the four goals of "improving the scale", "improving the quality content", "expanding the area" and "enhancing efficiency services", the exhibition area of this exhibition exceeds 100,000 square meters。On the basis of the previous "double Pavilion exhibition", two new pavilions were added, five of the four pavilions.2 halls for comprehensive development section, 6.2 pavilions for culture and technology section, 7.2、8.Hall 2 is the cultural life section。This exhibition invited a large number of leading enterprises and excellent projects in the cultural industry to participate in the exhibition, including the world's top 500 enterprises, the top 30 national cultural enterprises, the national cultural export key enterprises, the main board listed companies, etc., to comprehensively demonstrate the new main body and new vitality of the Yangtze River Delta cultural industry。

  According to the requirements of "Implementing the National Cultural Digitalization Strategy" put forward by the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, this exhibition vigorously encourages the development of new formats, new technologies and new models of the cultural industry with the characteristics of digital intelligence, virtual-real interaction and cross-border interaction, and promotes the circulation and integration of advanced productive forces。位于6.The cultural science and technology section of Hall 2 is themed with the theme of "All-true Interconnection · Multi-chain Global · Cultural and Creative leap",Gather industrial quality enterprises,Around the "new experience and new consumption", "new application and new scenario", "new elements and new supply" and other units to present the most cutting-edge new products, new projects, new applications, etc,To inject creativity and vitality into the cross-border integration and development of culture and technology,Leading the new trend of industrial development。At the same time, located at 7.2、8.The cultural life section of Hall 2 implements the strategy of promoting consumption upgrading and expanding domestic demand, and launches IP cultural innovation,Fusion of culture and tourismLife art, coffee culture and car culture,A total of 3 special exhibitions of cooperation have been formed,Including "International (Yong 'an) Bamboo Fair · Shanghai Exhibition", "Shanghai Counterpart Area Cultural Tourism Industry Exhibition", "Jewelry Creative Design Exhibition";There are 5 special exhibition areas,Including "IP Cultural and Creative cross-border Exchange Exhibition Area", "Shanghai Coffee Culture Exhibition Area", "Overseas Art Exhibition Area", "Cartao Carnival Exhibition Area" and "Automobile Culture Exhibition Area",It shows the strong strength and vigorous vitality of the Yangtze River Delta cultural industry。

  Highlight characteristics: based on the Yangtze River Delta, facing the whole country

  This exhibition closely links Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, one city and three provinces, with frequent highlights in high-quality integrated development。

  Anhui exhibition area to build a pattern of "1 main area + fine works, cultural and tourism integration, non-heritage literature and creation, culture and technology and key projects 5 sub-plates"。The main viewing area through 5 scattered LED screens, the overall formation of "Anhui" initial letter "A" layout, with a more than 120 square meters of ground screen, to create an immersive space experience, so that the audience more invested in Anhui charm。Through the naked eye 3D and other multimedia technology and design means, show "pulsating Anhui", "smart Anhui", "moving Anhui", "burning Anhui" and "vivid Anhui" five chapters, so that every audience can enter Anhui, experience Anhui, fall in love with Anhui。Set up an all-weather performance stage on the right side, and continue to perform the repertoire, including Huangmei Opera, Two Jiaxian,Five-animal exercisesAnhui traditional literature and art, show Anhui drama, fine arts and folk art and other categories of excellent new achievements。The whole Anhui exhibition area innovatively integrates cultural tourism and non-heritage creation sections, and designs and builds Hui style antique culture theme blocks for visitors to experience cultural tourism, food, intangible cultural heritage works and other characteristics of Anhui. They can not only interact with traditional culture in person, but also sit down and quietly watch the history and humanity of Anhui。

  The main line of the Jiangsu exhibition area is "Exploring new experiences in the construction of modern civilization of the Chinese nation",Bringing together 43 outstanding cultural enterprises,Through the creative design of "Meet Pingjiang Road", the spectacular scene of "River intersection" and the two theme blocks of "digital tide" and "Su Style Ya Ji", Jiangsu will focus on the new achievements in implementing the national cultural digitalization strategy and promoting the creative transformation and innovative development of excellent traditional Chinese culture。The Yangtze River Delta Cultural Expo, Zhejiang Pavilion around the general secretary of the big proposition of the new topic, in the layout of the exhibition is quite ingenuity, the space layout of the "1+7" display mode planning。"1" represents the cultural gold card exhibition area, "7" represents the four major group exhibition area, cultural and trade exhibition area, red culture exhibition area, Canal culture exhibition area, Liangzhu culture exhibition area, digital intelligence film and television exhibition area, and Gongmei cultural creation exhibition area。其中,"Liangzhu Culture" through a unique 3D naked eye design installation,Jade Cong, which was regarded by the ancients as a medium of communication between heaven and earth, is combined with light and earth screen,Present an exhibition experience with culture, art and technology as the core design concept,With the dance "The Dawn of Civilization · Ancient Rhyme",The artistic interpretation of Liangzhu civilization。

  同时,This year's fair will also give full play to the Yangtze River Delta cultural industry's radiating role in the Yangtze River Economic Belt,Actively invite the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River and all provinces and cities in the country, including Yunnan, Jiangxi, Guizhou, Sichuan, Hunan, Hebei, Inner Mongolia, Gansu and other provinces and autonomous regions,Exhibitions with Chengdu, Sanming, Yancheng and other key cities,Compose "love is tied to mountains and oceans,The dynamic chapter of the Thousand Sailing Race。

  此外,为深入贯彻落实习近平总书记关于巩固拓展脱贫攻坚成果同乡村振兴有效衔接和全面推进乡村振兴要融合农文旅等重要指示精神,The Publicity Department of Shanghai Municipal Committee and the Office of Shanghai Counterpart Support and Cooperation and Exchange Leading Group during the Fourth Yangtze River Delta Cultural Exhibition,In the form of "exhibition within exhibition", the 2023 Shanghai counterpart region Cultural tourism Industry Exhibition will be held,Relying on Shanghai and the Yangtze River Delta big market and big platform,Through exhibition, investment promotion, special performance, negotiation and docking forms,To promote in-depth cooperation between counterpart regions and Yangtze River Delta regions in cultural and tourism industries,The integrated development of agriculture, culture and tourism will help the region consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation and comprehensively promote rural revitalization。

  Enriching experience: Exploring new paths across cultural boundaries

  Under the wave of consumption upgrading, the new consumption concept breeds new consumer demand, and also promotes the upgrading and development of cultural consumption。This year's Yangtze River Delta Cultural Expo will focus on the consumption scene and consumption content, covering multiple dimensions such as entertainment, cultural travel, automobiles, and fashion, exploring the innovation path of "culture +" and reshaping the yearning for a better life。

  In the "Coffee Culture Exhibition Area" of this Yangtze River Delta Cultural Expo, Starbucks, Luckin Coffee, Newsstand coffee, Fire Coffee, ROASTELIERbyNESCAFE and many other cafes and coffee brands gathered here。The "Car Culture Exhibition area" will integrate professional modification with the comprehensive car culture of mass entertainment, and explore the future development direction of car culture, covering motor sports, car camping, car modification, car consumption, etc。The on-site "Wind Forest Volcano" auto culture theme exhibition is refined from the traditional Chinese culture, four different types of activity areas, so that different styles of car players can find their own playground。Mini on siteFPVCar experience, mini FPV car challenge and other activities。

  The exhibition site also organized a rich interactive experience,Shanghai Museum, the First Memorial Hall of the Communist Party of China, Shanghai Library, Shanghai Children's Library, Nanjing Museum, Zhejiang Wenlan Pavilion Museum Store Alliance, Anhui Museum, Century Duoyun, Jiading Museum, Fengxian Museum, Liangzhu Museum, Shanghai Public Security Museum,Shanghai Taofen Memorial HallChen Yun Memorial Hall, Shanghai China Printing Museum, Shanghai Sun Song cultural relics Management Committee and other cultural and cultural units to bring special souvenirs and commemorative MEDALS, you can come to a "collection of chapters and card mobilization";Shanghai Media GroupGroup, Shanghai Press Group, Shanghai Film Group, Jing 'an District, Jiading District, Minhang District, Lingang New Area and other special exhibition groups,Brought the "treasure" cultural and creative brand and cultural tourism projects of each district;Yunnan Province organization "send you a forget-me-not.,Keep Yunnan slow life "activity,Ten thousand bouquet of forget-me-not flowers from Yunnan were provided to the visitors who came to the Yunnan booth。

  The jewelry exhibition area of this exhibition covers 15,000 square meters,Gather Lao Fengxiang, Old Temple Gold, China Gold, Hangmin Baitai, Jinya Jewelry and many other local gold jewelry brands in Shanghai,At the same time, there are all kinds of diamonds and diamonds, colored gems, pearls, K gold, jade jade, designer works, antique jewelry, popular jewelry and other colorful appearance。During the 4-day exhibition, free cleaning, plastic surgery, creative rope knitting and other public welfare services will be provided。

  It is worth mentioning that the International (Yongan) Bamboo Fair debuted at the Yangtze River Delta Cultural Fair this year, with an exhibition scale of more than 3,000 square meters。Yongan is the hometown of bamboo shoots in China and the hometown of bamboo in China. The existing bamboo forest area is 1.02 million mu, and the per capita bamboo forest area ranks first in China。This time, with the theme of "small bamboo industry, Huming love to the future", the products brought are small to bamboo shoots, mobile phone holders, outdoor bamboo furniture, container floor, providing a platform for Yongan enterprises to expand the Yangtze River Delta market。

  Professional leadership: A number of wonderful forums and activities reflect forward-looking vision, docking new ports

  The forum and activities of this exhibition are based on the forefront,Precise focusing,Strive for practical results,Experts, scholars and representatives of well-known entrepreneurs were invited to participate,With wonderful content to answer the industry's concerns about the current and future major issues of the cultural industry,To enhance the professional services of the Yangtze River Delta Fair to cultural industry enterprises, consumers, local governments, and academia。

  Key forums include:Yangtze River Delta Performing Arts Industry Innovation Forum - Digitalization and New experience, "Science and Technology in China" digital economy New Technology and new formats Forum, FutureMeta meta-universe Industry Summit - Meta-universe content generation Forum, FutureMeta meta-universe Industry Summit - Cultural Travel meta-universe Forum, FutureMeta meta-universe Industry Summit- Music/Performing Arts Meta-Universe Forum, Cultural Meta-Universe Frontier Forum and "Chinese Cultural Meta-Universe White Paper" release Conference - Chinese Cultural Meta-Universe Chief Expert Forum, Chinese Style Game Meta-Universe Frontier Forum and "Chinese Game Meta-Universe White Paper" release Conference, International Culture and Art Forum - Cultural Innovation:Building a new International art brand Track (2023), integrated innovation from the perspective of humanities, science and technology and industry, "AI, Science and Culture China "discussion Forum and strategic cooperation Conference, Yangtze River Delta Digital Red Cultural and Tourism Innovation and Integration Development Forum, Square and Square Integration -IP Cultural Cross-border Influence Forum," Culture + "Medical Innovation Summit, Cultural and Tourism New business integration Fair,We will provide high-quality resources for industrial upgrading, economic and trade docking, and consumption expansion。

  Transaction services: Highlight the top priorities and enhance the sense of participation

  This exhibition takes transaction services as the top priority, adhering to the characteristics of "transaction priority, good quality, and good service", and aims to serve key exhibitors and key partners, so that exhibitors have a sense of gain。This exhibition builds a digital platform for trading services,The elements such as exhibitors, professional visitors, theme forums, special releases, and economic and trade matchmaking meetings will be managed and accurately matched,Building digital tools,Formed two special plates: including the supply and demand of exhibitors and the forum activity registration plate,The scheduling information of theme forums, thematic releases and economic and trade matchmaking meetings will be released on the platform,Professional visitors make an appointment to participate。

  目前,Key economic and trade docking activities include 2023 Yangtze River Delta Cultural Expo Cultural and Technology Investment Forum and Annual meeting of Yangtze River Delta Cultural Industry Investment Alliance, Yangtze River Delta Performing Arts Industry Innovation Forum - National Conference and Economic and Trade matchmaking, Yangtze River Delta High-end cultural industry and financial services Integrated development - Science and Technology Innovation Matchmaking Conference (series), "Dialogue Yangtze River Delta" cultural and tourism project series investment promotionMeeting, Yongan Bamboo Industry Economic and Trade Matchmaking Conference, Cultural Development of Taiwan, economic development of Xinjiang -2023 Shanghai - Kashgar Investment Promotion Conference, economic and trade matchmaking of Cultural and tourism projects in counterpart cooperation areas, Square and Square -IP Cultural Cross-border Influence Forum - Economic and Trade matchmaking Conference, Yangtze River Delta Cultural Expo spillover effect bearing special activities。

  Featured release activities include the opening ceremony of the International (Yong 'an) Bamboo Expo, the final of the bamboo Industry Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition and the project results matching meeting, "SMPS.,Not just museums!"Colorful Guizhou winter tourism promotion and "Red Ribbon" project promotion activities, Minhang "Beautiful cultural and creative" press conference, Oriental life aesthetics special press conference, "Shanghai New • Cultural and creative Future" 2023 Shanghai Xuhui District cultural and creative industry press conference, Frog color 3DVR digital exhibition hall release, "Cloud Mirror • Jinghong" imitation rice paper screen press conference, 2023 the first Shanghai Golden PearlBao industry Practitioners Skills Competition award ceremony, immersive digital art and world cultural trends, AI digital people empowering smart Scenic spot - New launch of several travelers, "Cloud Mirror • Zhihong" imitation rice paper screen launch, virtual reality to help the new form of cultural tourism, cultural industry to promote the development of women's public welfare,Empowered rural revitalization strategy implementation conference。(Reporter Zhang Yipu and Liu Yucai)

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